is nicotine
Vaping is Nicotine began with a grant from the State of Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Tobacco Section
About RVPI:
Regional Vaping Prevention Initiative
Youth Vaping EPIDEMIC
In 2018, U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams issued an advisory call to action. Surgeon General Adams called on parents and teachers to educate themselves and local authorities to use strategies and restrictions to discourage vaping by young people.
1 in 5 High School students reported using e-cigarettes in the last month
More HS students use e-cigarettes more than regular cigarettes
The use of e-cigarettes is higher among HS students than adults
Rates of use continue to climb and exceed national data
Our Initiative
Karen Bergbower & Associates (KBA) received funding from Community Mental Health Partnership of Southeast Michigan to provide the following evidence-based prevention strategies:
Educational Presentations
Youth Engagement
Strategic Planning
CATCH My Breath
Vaping is Nicotine Media Campaign
Technical Assistance
Policy Change
Trainings and Resources
These strategies will address the identified contributing factors of easy access, norms that support use, perceived peer pressure, and low perception of harm.
Call to Action
We are looking for community partners and hope you will join us. We are able to meet with you individually or in small groups to discuss how we can work together to prevent and reduce youth vaping. We can also present to your group, organization, or coalition.
The History
Early in 2018, Sandra Parker partnered with Livingston County Catholic Charities to collaborate on an anti-vaping grant offered by the Tobacco Section of the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. The goals of the grant included, advocating for anti-vaping ordinances, encouraging schools to adopt “vape-free” campuses, and providing education on the dangers of youth vaping. A resource manual was developed and distributed to schools and community partners to educate youth and their parents on the dangers of vaping. Youth actively participated in the creation of a media campaign. The media campaign, Vaping is Nicotine, included billboards, posters, and community presentations. In 2021, the team began partnering with the Community Mental Health Partnership of Southeast Michigan to continue their important work, bringing awareness to the vaping epidemic.
Sandra Parker
Sandra Parker is a Prevention Specialist for Karen Bergbower & Associates. She graduated with her Masters in Social Work from Michigan State University in 2013. She has an extensive background working in substance use disorders, including prevention and recovery education. Working with youth, adolescents and students, has always been her passion. As a Prevention Specialist, Sandra provides a variety of resources, including leading educational support groups and curriculum-based support groups,. As the Youth-Led Prevention Coordinator, she has the pleasure of facilitating and working alongside our youth on activities and events throughout the community. Considering vaping is the ‘hot topic’ in prevention right now, Sandra is excited about collaborating within the community and surrounding region on the Regional Vaping Prevention Initiative.
We would like to thank the following coalitions for joining us on this campaign: